Facebook smileys: chat emoticons list

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for smile!
Happy emote: :) or :-) 

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for a big smile!
Really happy emote: :D or :-D

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for wink!
Wink emote: ;) or ;-)

Facebook chat emote for happy eyes!
Happy eyes: ^_^

Facebook chat emote for laughing eyes!
Laughing eyes: >:o

Facebook chat emote for cat smile!
Cat smile: :3

Facebook chat emote for grumpy!
Grumpy: >:-(

Facebook chat emoticon for sad face!
Sad: :( or :-(

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for crying!
Crying emote: :’(

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for shocked!
Shocked emote: :o or :-o

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for cool!
Glasses emote: 8) or 8-)

Facebook chat emote for cool!
Cool shades: 8-|

Facebook chat emoticon for tongue out!
Rude: :p or :-p

Facebook chat emote for WOOT?!
Woot?!: O.o
Facebook emoticon smilie emote for ummmm!
Dork emote: -_-
Facebook emoticon smilie emote for not amused!
Duhhh emote: :/ or :\
Facebook chat emote for Devil!
Devil emote: 3:)

Facebook chat emote for angel!
Angel emote: O:)

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for a kiss!
Kiss emote: :-* or :*

Facebook emoticon smilie emote for a love heart!
Love emote: <3

Facebook chat emote for Pacman!
Pacman: :v

Facebook chat emote for robot!
Robot: :|]

Facebook chat emote for weird guy\'s face!
Weird guy’s face: :putnam:

new facebook shark emoticon
NEW Shark emoticon: (^^^)

new facebook penguin emoticon
NEW Penguin emoticon: <(")

new facebook 42 emoticon
NEW 42 Red emoticon: :42:


clients, Rachel, who got back together with her ex.
Aside from the obvious difficulties of pitching so brilliantly in such a high pressure situation, Larsen's feat is even more impressive when one considers that the Dodgers had four future Hall of Famers in their lineup: Duke Snider, Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella and Pee Wee Reese. If you want to be able to hit the ball further and harder, you should keep in mind to keep your grip on the bat loose, your swing should begin with your legs and hips, and finally, you must always follow your bat through.

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Too many folks have already thrown away plenty of good money on nothing but useless salt tablets being shipped from South
America. For many working to lose weight, one failure is
enough to get them off the path to success. That way,
the actual process will end up being much less frustrating and, for
the majority of people, enjoyable.

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The same test can be performed while on the shower. These
are reaching thousands of people at a time who recognize the self help benefits and pass them on to friends who do the same and
they become viral. There are many famous author books
published on poems.

That Halloween, right after she turned four, she
told the story over and over, to anyone who would listen, delighting in making
them jump when she yelled the spooky ending.
Apart from the above said love and poems of war
there are other genre too. So choose the perfect Funny Family Poems to
surprise your mother and make it a special
memory to always remember.

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If you cannot write love poems for your
guy, don't be disappointed easily. You can always choose a box of her favorite chocolates, for example. However, believe it or not poems about getting back together actually can be quite powerful when attracting your ex back into your life.

As long as poets continue to write poetry new ones will be created to categorize the person's poems (). Of course, when it comes to song and ordered modulations and reinventions, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears should be believed. However, believe it or not poems about getting back together actually can be quite powerful when attracting your ex back into your life.

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